Artist Statement

I document contemporary culture through representational portrait painting. A current focus of my work is women: particularly women engaged in - and often excelling at - activities and jobs typically associated with men, such as wilderness guides, athletes, restaurant and business owners. I believe these works celebrate the progress women have already achieved through dedication and hard work.

I am interested in poses that are straightforward and true to life. I paint in a realistic style that enables viewers to easily connect with subjects. My work aims to encourage viewers to move beyond casual observation and to join me in connecting emotionally to the person painted.

I work with oil paint as it reflects not just a singular moment but a moment rendered over time. Painting multiple layers allows for a richness of detail and complexity to emerge. When I focus on the person before me, rendering the subject matter through paint on canvas, I believe something deeper emerges. That depth is what I want to capture, explore further, and share with others.